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Klais Organ Aegidien Braunschweig 300.00 EUR
Klais Organ Aegidien Braunschweig

3 manuals and pedal, built by Klais in 1965

This organ, built in 1965 by the Klais company in Bonn, enjoys a reputation as one of the most beautiful-sounding organs in the Braunschweig area. With its well thought-out specification, its richness of sound and its exceptional quality, it is an outstanding example of the high quality of Klais organs. The impressive acoustics of the Aegidienkirche with up to 10 seconds of reverberation also contribute significantly to the sound experience.

The organ has sounded completely unchanged since it was installed in 1965, with the exception of the addition of a registration sequencer. The organ has a mechanical action with electrically operated slider chests for the stops.

Please have a look at the informative booklet, which is also included in the sample set.


Hauptwerk (C-g'''):
Praestant 16'
Principal 8'
Rohrflöte 8'
Octav 4'
Holztraverse 4'
Superoctav 2'
Cornett 5f
Mixtur 5f
Cymbel 3f
Trompete Magna 16'
Trompete 8'

Positiv (C-g'''):
Praestant 8'
Holzgedackt 8'
Quintade 8'
Principal 4'
Gemshorn 4'
Rohrnasard 2 2/3'
Waldflöte 2'
Terz 1 3/5'
Octav 1'
Scharff 4f
Krummhorn 8'

Schwellwerk (C-g'''):
Pommer 16'
Holzprincipal 8'
Viola di Gamba 8'
Principal 4'
Spillflöte 4'
Octav 2'
Sifflöte 1 1/3'
Acuta 5f
Nonencymbel 4'
Basson 16'
Hautbois 8'
Clairon 4'

Pedal (C-f'):
Praestantbass 16'
Subbass 16'
Principal 8'
Bartpfeife 8'
Holzoctav 4'
Nachthorn 2'
Hintersatz 5f
Fagott 32'
Posaune 16'
Trompete 8'
Zink 4'



The organ was recorded in 2024 with high-quality microphones using multi-channel technology. A pair of microphones was positioned at the height of the organ facade and a short distance away from the organ. These microphones deliver a high proportion of direct sound, making the organ sound very clear. These channels are labeled “Near” in the sample set. The second pair was positioned a little further away in the nave. This provides the best sound in the room and is the preferred location for concerts. The sound is characterized by excellent transparency, but also a very pronounced surround sound. These channels are labeled “Mid” in the sample set. A third pair was located further away from the organ in the nave; this delivers a very reverberant sound. These channels are labeled “Ambient”.

For optimum results, at least three release layers (staccato, portato and sustained notes) were recorded for each pipe. The blower noise was also recorded. The action of the original organ is very quiet, so it makes no sense to record these sounds. Our self-developed recording robots were used, which enable a precision that cannot be achieved manually, especially with the short releases, and also have a very quiet touch thanks to the precise motor control.

The recordings were made in 24bit/96kHz without any filtering. The processing of the samples was done with our self-developed processing tools, with special mention of our special noise removal process. This is optimized for the characteristics of organ pipe tones and allows for an unprecedented quality of noise removal without affecting the sound characteristics. 

The sample set faithfully reproduces the organ with its features in Hauptwerk. It has some special features, which are explained below:

Free Combinations:
When the organ was built, combination systems were not yet widespread. The Klais organ was equipped with two freely programmable combinations plus a third freely programmable combination for the pedal. Programming is carried out via small additional switches above the stop tabs. This means that the organist can see the programming of a combination directly while playing. The combinations are selected using thumb pistons below the Hauptwerk manual. From left to right you will find: “HR” (manual registration), “FC1” (combination 1), “FC2” (combination 2), an unlabeled red piston and in black the “Tutti” piston. HR, FC1, FC2 and Tutti trigger each other; only one of the four buttons can be pressed at any one time. The red button triggers all other buttons so that neither the manual registration nor a combination is active. The organ is then muted until one of the other buttons is pressed. There is an additional combination for the pedal, the programming switches for which are located to the left of the Hauptwerk manual. This combination is labeled “P2”. There are two larger round pushbuttons next to the Hauptwerk and Positiv manuals, the lower one labeled “ped-1” and the upper one “ped-2”. These buttons also trigger each other so that only one of them can be active. In the “ped-2” position (the button next to the Positiv), the programmed combination always sounds; in the “ped-1” position, the set selection of manual registration, free combinations or tutti sounds. This behavior is faithfully reproduced in the sample set. There is a separate operating page (“Combinations”) in the sample set for programming the free combinations.

Since 1982, the organ has been equipped with a retrofitted registration sequencer with 382 combinations. This is operated with an external programming device, which is concealed in a drawer under the console. This device is not reproduced in the sample set. Instead, the set can of course be operated with the sequencer contained in the Hauptwerk software. This is set up in parallel to the manual registration, i.e. the set combinations only sound when both “HR” and “ped-1” are active, otherwise the free combinations contained in the set sound. In contrast to the real organ, the sequencer controls the stop tabs during registration so that the active registration is also visible.

The free combinations are stored together with Hauptwerks registration sequencer combinations in combination files for future use. The use of these combination files is described in detail in the Hauptwerk User Guide.

Reeds Off:
The organ contains individual reeds-off switches for all reed stops, these are located on the console to the right of the Hauptwerk manual. On the stop page or the pages for the left and right screens, these stops are located directly below the stop switches for the reeds by means of additional switches labeled “OFF”.

The organ has 2 tremulants, one for the Positiv and one for the Schwellwerk. The sample set uses special tremulant samples, i.e. for each pipe a separate sample was recorded with the tremulant switched on. This method provides the best possible natural tremulant sound for organs with a lot of reverb. However, it also has disadvantages: For one thing, the tremulants of individual pipes are not synchronous; each vibrates independently. The speed or depth of the tremulant cannot be adjusted afterwards. Secondly, it is not possible to switch between tremulant on and off while a note is sounding. An automatic retrigger is used here; when the tremulant is switched, notes that are already sounding are briefly interrupted and played again, so that the tremulant takes effect immediately. Depending on the response of the respective stop, this is more or less audible. The sampled tremulant sounds best with solo voices. 

In the Hauptwerk setting “Original Tuning” the organ sounds in its own tuning (equal temperament with a'=440Hz). The tuning is not 100% precise, resulting in a very natural lively sound. When using the tempered tunings available in Hauptwerk, the organ is tuned very precisely to that tuning. This can sound a bit sterile, which is why Hauptwerk includes a random tuning feature when loading.

However, this random tuning built into Hauptwerk cannot be used for this set, as it is not possible to date to ensure that front and rear samples that belong together are tuned synchronously (this is a limitation in Hauptwerk and affects all sample sets recorded in multichannel techniques). Therefore, the corresponding parameters in the sampleset are set to 0, so that Hauptwerk's “random detuning” setting has no effect. Instead, the sampleset contains its own pseudo-random detuning. Here, the sliders on the Controls page can be used to adjust the degree of detuning; the values are randomly determined for each pipe, but are immutable in the definition file. Separate controls are provided for labial and reed voices.

Virtual Console

The virtual console consists of various screen pages that have been optimized for operation with touch-screens. All screen pages are created in very high resolution, so that the maximum resolution of the monitor can be fully used even with high-resolution screens. The following screen pages are available:

The console page gives the user an impression of the real organ console. For this purpose, a photo of the console has been fitted with with animated stop tabs. However, the labeling of the stop tabs is not legible on this page, so it is not suitable for operating the organ.

The Stops page is used to operate the sample set with a single touchscreen. All stop switches etc. are located on it. Great importance was attached to good legibility and ease of use. The arrangement of the stop switches is based on the real organ, but the switches have been arranged in several rows, one for each manual.  

These screen pages are intended for users with two touchscreens. By dividing the display into two pages, the display can be made even more legible, which is beneficial to usability. The left side contains the stop switches for the couplers as well as the pedal and Hauptwerk, the right side the Positiv and Schwellwerk. 

The left/right sides are also available in portrait format, with automatic switching in Hauptwerk. In this representation, it was necessary to switch to a vertical arrangement of the stop switches within the rows, which differs significantly from the arrangement on the real instrument.

Various settings are made on this page. These include the balance between the audio channels and the setting for random detuning. All settings on the Controls page can be saved, 5 memory locations are available for this purpose. To save a setting, first click on the "Store" button, which lights up to indicate the store function. Then click on one of the 5 numbered buttons and the configuration will be saved.

The programming switches for the free combinations are located on this page. These are linked to the small switches above the stop tabs on the console page, so that these also display the programming of the free combinations.

Licence Inform.

The sample set requires a powerful Windows or Apple Mac OS computer with a current 64-bit operating system and the Hauptwerk software (Advanced Edition from version 4.2). For optimal results, a sufficiently powerful CPU (e.g. modern octa-core CPU) and enough main memory (RAM) are crucial. The following table shows the memory requirements in GB for the samples with different loading options: 

  compressed uncompressed
16 bit 18.5 GB 34.5 GB
24 bit 36.5 GB 68.0 GB

The compression of the samples used by Hauptwerk is lossless, i.e. loading with the option "compressed" does not cause any loss of quality. However, a bit more CPU power is needed when playing the set. The best quality is achieved when loading with 24-bit resolution, but with minor losses the resolution of 16-bit can also be chosen. Since this can be set individually for each register in Hauptwerk, it is possible to adjust the loading options individually to the available main memory.

Approximately 15 GB of free space is needed on the harddisc to install the sample set.

Licence Agreement

The licence conditions for our sample sets conditions can be found here.


This sample set is available both for Hauptwerk version 4.x as well as versions 5 and above. The set is protected using Hauptwerks basic protection scheme. You can download a fully functional trial version from our server and use it for testing as long as you wish. The only limitation of the trial version is that the sound will be periodically muted when more than 4 stops are drawn. Following a purchase you will receive a link to download a small file (organ definition) that removes the restriction of the trial version (periodic muting).

Download and Installation Instructions:

The sampleset is delivered as download only (approx. 32 GB). There are separate versions available for Hauptwerk version 4.2 and Hauptwerk version 5 and higher. This is necessary because the encryption method was changed when switching to Hauptwerk 5. You can find detailed installation instructions for your Hauptwerk version in the Hauptwerk Main User Guide. You can access it in Hauptwerk via the Help menu.

The download file for the trial version is available from our main download page.

The download file of the full version contains only the organ definition file (ODF) and must be installed in ADDITION to the free trial version, as this contains all samples and graphics.

During the installation the license agreement is displayed, which you can also find following the link given above. You can only continue with the installation if you accept the license agreement.


You can find a number of pieces recorded with this sampleset on the Contrebombarde website.

Here is a link to a playlist featuring this organ.

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